Social Protection and Poverty in Nigeria: The Role of Conflict


  • Tolulope Osinubi Department of Economics, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife
  • Damilola Agbalajobi Department of Political Science, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife
  • Olufemi Osinubi Department of Hospitality Management, The Federal Polytechnic Ede


Social Protection, Poverty, Conflict, ARDL, Nigeria


This study investigates the role of conflict in the link between social protection and poverty in Nigeria between 1984 and 2021. The study measures social protection and poverty using social spending (government spending on social and community services) and GDP per capita, respectively. Importantly, a positive association between social protection and GDP per capita implies a poverty reduction. To achieve this objective, the study uses a dynamic Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) estimation method to ascertain the short- and long-run effects of social protection on poverty in Nigeria over the study period. The results demonstrate that poverty levels in Nigeria are lowered and raised, respectively, by social protection and conflict. Additionally, it is discovered that the relationship between social protection and poverty involves conflict significantly. The study offers several strategies to improve government expenditure on social and community services, as a measure of social protection, and to foster peace in Nigeria.




How to Cite

Osinubi, T. ., Agbalajobi , D., & Osinubi, O. (2024). Social Protection and Poverty in Nigeria: The Role of Conflict. Ife Social Sciences Review, 32(2), 41–60. Retrieved from