Understanding the Dynamics of Sex-related Conversations among Emerging Adults in a Nigerian University Setting


  • Taofeek Kolawole Aliyu Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife


Emerging Adulthood, parent-child discussions, sexual health communication, sex-related topics


Communication between parents and emerging adults about sex-related topics plays a significant role in shaping healthy sexual behaviours and outcomes among emerging adults. However, limited knowledge about how such discussions occur between parent and emerging adults of Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, Nigeria necessitated this study. This study examined the perspectives and experiences of emerging adults at Obafemi Awolowo University in discussing sex-related topics with their parents. It identified the strategies used to initiate the conversations, assessed the perceived impact of such discussions on sexual health behaviours, determined the most frequently discussed sex-related topics, and evaluated how students perceive their parents' knowledge and openness on sex-related topics. A convergent mixed-methods design, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches was employed. The design enabled gaining holistic view of the research problem. The quantitative data were collected via ODK and analysed using descriptive statistics with the aid of SPSS and the qualitative data was thematically analysed by leveraging on ATLAS.ti. The results showed that mothers were often the primary initiators of discussions about sex-related topics, although a significant portion of students also took the initiative themselves. Face-to-face communication was preferred, and while students generally felt moderately satisfied with the guidance received, there were differences in comfort levels. Topics such as relationships and dating were more frequently discussed, whereas important topics like Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and contraception were less commonly addressed. Students perceived their parents as having moderate knowledge and varying levels of openness, with different communication styles impacting the effectiveness of these discussions. This study fills a knowledge gap about parent-child communication on sex life at OAU, highlighting the need for open, supportive parental engagement. It underscores the importance of direct communication and suggests areas for improvement in sexual education by addressing cultural and emotional barriers that may limit effective discussions.




How to Cite

Aliyu , T. K. (2024). Understanding the Dynamics of Sex-related Conversations among Emerging Adults in a Nigerian University Setting. Ife Social Sciences Review, 32(2), 246–259. Retrieved from https://issr.oauife.edu.ng/index.php/issr/article/view/273